Thursday, December 24, 2009

New 30 KVA genst install

New genset of 30 KVA has been installed in Pataila HO on 23-12-2009 by making special efforts with ELMECH . Now UPS will work for 24 Hrs. There is high power cut in Pataila, we can serve to customer better.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

4 Steps to Driven Employees

The first few minutes of the workday can often be the most important minutes you'll have with your people. It sets the tone for the rest of the day, inspiring others to achieve greater results or leaving them without direction or energy - it's your choice.

Below are five quick and easy ideas that can help you give your people the jump start they need every morning before work begins.

Early Arrival
There is nothing quite as frustrating to an employee as seeing his or her boss waltz in hours after the workday has begun. It's very difficult to respect and follow a leader who fails to give as much as they expect in return.

Arrive to work before or with your employees and let your actions demonstrate your dedication to the company and its objectives. If you expect the best from others you must expect the same from yourself.

Moods and attitudes are contagious. The moment you walk through the door in the morning you are sharing a message with your body language. Slump your shoulders and drag your way into the office and you'll let everyone around you know that the day is going to be long and uneventful.

Walk in with a spring in your step and a smile on your face and you'll spread the enthusiasm necessary for a productive workday. Everyone sends off vibes, and as a manager or leader, your vibes can oftentimes overpower others. Use this power to enhance the quality of each day.

Meet & Greet
One of the key differences between those who inspire success and those who stifle improvement is the direction they head after entering into the office. While some choose to walk straight to their particular work area, others take a different path and in turn achieve better results.

Begin the day by greeting your people, letting them know through your actions that you care about them and feel they are an important asset to the company. If you merely run to your office and fail to acknowledge the others around you, it will only serve to create a rift between you and ones you rely on for success.

While making your rounds you can accomplish another objective that is sure to motivate your people to action. Carrying out this method requires that you have a clear plan of action each day - something that will increase progress in and of itself.

People need direction. They need to know where they are heading and why. As you greet your employees, let them know what results you expect to see at the end of the day. Relaying clear objectives and expectations at the start of the day will help to set in motion a day of accomplishment in place of small-talk, checking e-mail, and mindless paper filing.

Follow these simple tips and you'll have a workforce that is motivated to improve, inspired to succeed, and ready to begin working toward a better tomorrow for themselves and their company.

by Jason Gracia -

A New Motivation Tip

Get and Stay Motivated

Improve Your Attitude

Boost Your Confidence

Uncover Your Goals

Beat Procrastination

Overcome Your Fears

Take Control of Your Habits

Live a Happier Life

The Key to Workplace Success

Millions of brilliant, million-dollar ideas are being lost each year, and you may be helping the problem. Two forces are battling in the minds of employees across the globe, and it's up to you to make sure the positive force wins in the end.

The first force driving employees ahead is success. Each day presents them with a new opportunity to grow, expand, and progress further than ever before. Success means something different to each person, but the underlying idea of achieving dreams and goals excites and inspires us all.

The drive of success, accomplishment, and happiness is powerful, but oftentimes the second force can bring a standstill to progress. If left to its own devices, the second force wipes the thrill of success clear away in an instant.

The second force that drives employees is the fear of failure. While it doesn't inspire them to offer their ideas to the world and improve the performance of the company, it drives them to keep still, keep quiet, and keep every great thought locked away forever.

Allowing the force of fear to play the dominant position within an employee's workday robs both the employee and the company of an opportunity to improve and achieve new heights. It saps the strength and energy from a potentially rewarding experience leaving both parties less than what they could have been.

It's Your Choice
Which force takes control is up to you - it depends on the tone and atmosphere you create with your company, department, or team. While many men and women in positions of power frown upon failure, the smartest of leaders expects and welcomes it.

To learn, you must fail. A quick example will help to make the need for failure clear. If 100 happy customers enter and leave a department store, there is nothing to build on. You have no clue as to why their experience was satisfying, only that they left without a complaint. While they may be happy with their experience (or unhappy and unwilling to tell you about it) you have nothing to gain in the long-term.

However, a complaining customer is offering you success on a silver platter. He is telling you exactly what you can do to improve your service. No guessing, no assuming. You are given specific instructions on how not to do something which will lead you to the secret of doing it better than ever before.

When an employee feels free to try new things, to offer their ideas, and to run with projects regardless of the potential for failure (assuming the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the idea is sound and relevant) you will have thousands of ideas coming your way from every corner of the company.

Growth from the Inside Out
Some of the most successful advancements made within the world's largest companies have come from lower-level employees who were given the chance to be heard. If you create an atmosphere in which 100% success is demanded at every stage of the game, you will scare away future success and achievement.

Recalling our example from above, you not only get more ideas when you allow for short- term failure but also the specifics to success. When an employee fails, and takes steps to learn from that failure, you are benefited with new and powerful information. When you know how something doesn't work, you will eventually discover exactly how it does work.

Let it be known throughout your company, department, or team that failure is an option. Think of the countless ideas that are sitting patiently in the minds of your people - now is the time to let them out.

by Jason Gracia -
Get hundreds of simple motivation tips, along with your free Motivation123 Welcome Kit, at the Web site. Visit today.

Leadership: Motivating Others

Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
Example: “Would it make sense to organize these alphabetically?”
Try to make the other person happy about doing things you suggest.
Make others feel too important for tasks you don’t want them to do.
Give out titles and authority: make others happy contributors
Step by Step Guide to movtivating others to do tasks:
1. Be Sincere. Don't promise what you can't do or deliver.
2. Know preciesly what it is you want the other person to do.
3. Be Empathetic. Try to understand what others want.
4. Focus on any benefits the other person might receive.
5. Explain how those benefits match the other person's wants.
6. Frame requests to communicate that the other person will personally benefit.

Leadership: Giving Criticism & Driving Improvement

Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
It is easier to take criticism after some praise.
Look for things done well before calling attention to failings.
Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
The burden of criticism is easier to bear when shared.
It’s motivating when another has overcome the same challenges.
Call attention to people's errors indirectly.
Direct, harsh criticism can destroy incentive to improve.
Suggest alternatives: “How user-friendly will this feature will be?”
Suggest that the idea isn’t flawed; it’s the environment or situation.
Let the other person save face.
Others will get defensive for fear of being embarrassed.
Additionally, always try to give criticism in private.
Make the fault seem easy to correct. Use encouragement.
Make faults seem easy to correct and new skills easy to learn.
Praise the slightest improvement and every improvement.
Praise reinforces the development of a desired behavior.
Make praise as specific as possible.
Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
Example: “You’re quite capable, but your recent projects aren’t up to your old standards.”
Respecting others’ capabilities will empower them to succeed.

Selling your Ideas: Establish a Space for Cooperation

Avoid arguments: you can only lose.
Arguers will defend and embrace their previous positions.
Even “winning” will hurt the loser’s pride and build resentment.
A Guide to avoiding arguments:
1. Welcome the disagreement. Be thankful for a new opinion.
2. Stay calm.
3. Listen first. Hear your opponents out.
4. Identify areas of agreement.
5. Admitting errors will make it easier for others to admit theirs.
6. If no resolution is found, postpone action and promise to explore the opposing perspective.

Begin in a friendly way.
Open conversation with sincere praise, appreciation and sympathy.
A friendly tone will allow others to broach discussions more openly.
Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
Eagerly listen to concerns to diffuse tension and build relationships.
Others need to finish spilling their ideas before listening to you.
Be sympathetic.
Most people hunger for sympathy.
Tell them: “I’d feel the same way under those circumstances.”
Respect others’ opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
People don’t like to admit they’re wrong and may take it personally.
If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
Demonstrate your willingness to rationally examine the facts.
If another is about to criticize you, don’t let them start!
A harsh self-rebuke may prompt the others to soften their critiques.
Admitting errors clears guilt and everyone to move forward quickly.
Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
Another’s perspective and motivation is the key to understanding their decisions, agenda and personality.
Frame requests in terms of what others find motivating.
Ask yourself: “Why would someone want to do what I'm asking?”

Building Personal Relationships

Never criticize, condemn or complain.
Self-criticism is extremely rare. Your criticism won’t be welcome.
Criticism makes others defensive and resentful.
Positive Reinforcement works better.
Become genuinely interested in other people.
People are most interested in themselves.
Remember people’s birthdays and other important details.
Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Find the interests of others and talk about those things.
If you know nothing of their interests, ask intelligent questions.
Be a good listener.
Give your exclusive attention to others.
Urge others to talk about themselves. Ask pointed questions.
Make the other person feel important.
People yearn to feel important and appreciated.
Praise others’ strengths and they’ll strive to reinforce your opinion.
Use Names whenever possible.
Greet others with smiles and enthusiasm.
Smiling comes through even over the phone.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Expected Dearness Allowance

Expected Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees from Jan-2010 is 35%
Expectations arise for rise in DA(Dearness Allowance) to 8% for Central Government Employees

Calculation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100

For all the Central Government Employees there would be a rise in DA (Dearness Allowance) to 8%,which would result in the overall rise to 35% from 1.1.2010.
Posted by IPO/ASPOs Association Rajasthan at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Expected deficit of Postal Department for the year 2009-2010 is Rs 5632.46 Crore
The Department of Posts has had deficit for the last three years and it is expected to continue in the year also. The details of the deficit for the last three years and the estimates for the current year are as under;
Amount in Crores of Rupees
2006-07 1249.52
2007-08 1511.44
2008-09 3593.09
2009-10 5632.46
The Deficit has substantially increased during the previous year and the current year due to hike in salary of the Employees and Pensionary Charges of the retired employees on account of implementation of 6th Pay Commission’s Report. The main reason is that the rates of most of the postal Services do not reflect the market price as they are subsidized to make it within the reach of common man and to the remotest area of the country. Pricing of most of the products have not been kept with the pave of the cost of operations.
A new scheme “Project Arrow” has been introduced in this plan period for refocusing on the objectives of customer satisfaction and service delivery exchange and enabling the Post Office to develop in to hub for civic and governance initiatives, which will have a direct impact on socioeconomic will being of citizens.
Streamling the postal operations through network optimization, induction of technology and introduction of freighter for mail conveyance. In the areas of financial service the Departmental of post is aggressively pursuing the objectives of the Government for financial inclusion of rural masses through its vast network. This shall also add to the revenue of the Department by way of interest and return through investment in the Post Office Life insurance fund (POLIF) and Rural Post Office Life Insurance Fund (RPOLIF). The Department of Post will also introduce mobile based remittance service across the country.
The Department has been taking step to increase the revenue through introduction of new products, market development activities and adoption of customer oriented strategies. Speed Post, Business Post, Express Post, Retail Posts etc. as premium services have been consistently growing. The Department of Post is also using its vast network fro retailing of financial products and services agency function adding to the Department’s revenue.
This reply was given by Shri Gurdas Kamat, Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in Lok Sabha today. >

Sunday, November 29, 2009

18 Postal Assistants on job for clearance of Pendency

18 PAs were ordered to work on OTA for completion of pendency of own branches and Core banking work on 28-11-2009. This is first time that highest 18 PAs were attended duty on OTA on holiday.All team members are taking keen interest to complete all pendency. I convey my best wises to them and hope this sprit be continued .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Publicity of iMO service in Patiala City

A publicity compaign for iMO web based service started in Pataila city on 24-11-2009 by specially designed 05 RIKSHA PULLER in different locality of Patiala City The silent feature of iMO announced through loud speaker for public in Hindi and Punjabi. APM counter Gurmeet Kaur informed me about 1700 hrs some telephone received for how to use IMO service. It shows that information of service reached to the customers. It is definately increase the business of iMO and public can be benefited .

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meeting with SPMs for SB work on 22-11-2009

The list of general irregularities committed by the Sub Post office in respect of saving bank account
S.No Subject Action to be taken
01 Mentioning of DLT and Bal on vouchers While doing any transaction of SB
DLT and BAT should be mentioned on SB-7 and SB-103.
The balance after transaction of account could not be checked at HO level due to none mentioning of DLT and BAT at the time of posting.
02 Mode of payment of above Rs 20000/- Withdrawal above Rs20000/- cheque number /re- invest/deposit in SB account number should be written on SB-7 in each category
03 Authentication of vouchers by SPM/PA Withdrawal vouchers of SB scheme should be signed by SPM and PA

04 Mentioning of amount of Principal and Interest in -respect of closed MIS and TD Principal and interest of closed account of MIS and TD should be mentioned separately in LOT and in daily account.
Principal amount means the amount for which the account opened
05 MIS deduction MIS deduction should be written separately in LOT and daily account

06 RD deposit and default RD deposit and default /penalty should be written separately in LOT and daily account

07 Repayment of half withdrawal loan of If there is repayment of half withdrawal in RD account then loan amount should be taken in deposit and interest should be taken in penalty.
08 In case of non attachment of original passbook on closing of RD account by Post office except single handed While closing the RD account in which half withdrawal is taken and the Date of opening of account, Deno. Date of half withdrawal should be written on SB -07 for those offices do not attach the Passbook with voucher.

09 Transaction of all category of TD account All category of TD( 1,02,03 &5years) should be taken in proper head in daily account

10 Closing of I Yr. TD account Date of opening of account should be mentioned on SB-07

11 Affixing of date stamp on voucher Date stamp on all vouchers is usually omitted by many SOs; it should be impressed on each voucher.

12 Use of SB cover Passbook for interest or sanction of withdrawal of all categories should be sent through SB cover not by hand.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Meeting held for proper accounting of Accounts heads on22-11-09

A Meeting was held at 1100 hrs on 22-11-09. The following APMs/PAs were attended .
01. APM Accounts and Tresury
02. Accountant
03. Sub Account Assistants
The matter was discussed in details and following action should be taken for booking of transactions in correct account head.
01.Once a account head created in the system it could not be delected at HO level.
02.Any New account head should be created by System Assistant only on approval of Sr.Postmaster.
03.The headwise figures shown in SO and BO summary are not being tallied by the concerned PA . utimately summaries or accounts shown incorrect figures.Concerned PA should tally the figures taken into account and shown in the respectively summary on daily basis and put his/her intials to having abeen checked during 1600 Hrs to 1630 Hrs with Sub Account Assistants.
04.In case of more account head in particular subject Only one identified head should be used by Sub Account, HO account and cash book .

These instructions will bring into the notice of all PAs by the concerned APMs. APMs also ensured that the instructions are being followed in true sprit.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Webcam provides for signature scanning

02 Webcames were provided to SB counter for scanning. Shri Divender PA also attached with SB branch for signature scanning. % of scanning is increased from 86 % to 92 %. All the SB Assistant should complete the task by 25-11-2009.

On review of proformance that 97% of scanning work has been completed. Pending scanning will be completed by the end of Nov 2009.A special team comprises 02 memebers namely Shri Vineet Malhotra and Shri Parminder has been constituated for scanning of signature of NSC and KVP and team will work on 28-11-2009 and 29-11-2009 will work on OTA .

Best Postmen Team No 02 for Ist &2nd week Nov2009

A review was carried out for performance of Postmen and team and revealed that Team No 02 was achieved 94% delivery of Accountable articles which is highest amongst other 06 teams.
Tolreance limit is 5% for accountable articles. The team members are directed to achieve above 95% of delivery .

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Ministry of Finance Vide Memo No F. No 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009 has revised the GP of Rs 4200/- granted to the existing pre-revised scale of Rs 6500-10500 to Rs 4600/- w.e.f 1.1.2006. The pay is to be refixed and the arrears will be paid immediately. Personal Secretaries of our Department who were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 6500 will be benefited immediately. Our demand for upgradation of pay scales to Inspector Posts at par with the Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC was considered by the Pay Commission and the recommendation given in the report is reproduced below:-
Extract of Para 7.6.14 of Pay Commission recommendations for Inspector Posts.
7.6.14 Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600. The next higher post in the hierarchy, that of Superintendent (Post), which is also a promotion post for ASPOs, shall be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Parity exists between the posts of Inspector (Posts) and Inspectors in Mail Motor Service (MMS). This parity would need to be maintained and Assistant Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in the higher grade of Rs.7450-11500 whose corresponding replacement pay band and grade pay is PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4600. Similarly, Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in PB-2 pay band of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4800 which corresponds to the prerevised pay scale of Rs.7500-12000.
As the Inspectors are already placed at par with pay scale of Rs 6500-10500, the benefit should also be given to Inspector Posts. The case is being taken up with our Department for upgradation of Grade Pay to Inspector Posts from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- Simultaneously the grade pay of ASP and Gr B should upgraded to 4800 and 5400 respectively. Our Assoication is on the job. Specific orders will be got issued by the Directorate very soon. (Source from G. Samuel GS)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tips to Postman - The Ambassador of India Post

Sr.Postmaster Head Post office
PATIALA -147001
DO letter No Admin/office/2009
Dated at Patiala 06-11-2009

Dear Shri

I would like to thanks you for your excellent performance in the field of delivery of mails, in the core area of Department, to serve our customers after my joining as a team head of Patiala Head Post office.
As you know we celebrated our national postal week during last month and taken an oath during the vigilance awareness week on 03-11-2009 for doing work with devotion without fear.
I would also like to share some tips for excel in our field.
01. Attend office duty in time.
02. Make cordial relation with each other.
03. Always wear office uniform
04. Leave office for beat in time and give return to office in time
05. Inform about postal services amongst customer at their door step
06. Keep postal articles in the newly supplied postmen bag
07. Obtain signature of the addressee on delivery of Regd articles in the prescribed column of delivery slip, also obtain sign with rubber stamp in case of delivery of mails to firm, office and Bank etc.
08. Ensure 100% delivery of ordinary mail and Accountable articles
09. Advice customer to provide letter box at entrance point
10. Issue notice on the spot in case of non delivery of Regd .articles
11. Keep sufficient stock of postal stationary and sale in beat
12. Inform about use of PINPLUS to the resident of your beat

Bill Gates says “I am not in the competition with anybody. My goal is to beat my last performance only”

I am confident that you should follow the above tips and change your official life.

With best wishes,


D.K. Tripathi
Sr. Postmaster

Friday, November 6, 2009

Shri Daya ram nomiates as a Project officer for Core Banking

Shri Daya Ram BCR Postal Assistant has been nominated as a project officer for execuation of pre activites for implementation of Core Banking solution in Patiala HO.


The following methadox currency counting and checking machines were provided to the branches noted against each on 05-11-2009. A short training session was also organised and machinic of Methadox explained the working of machines to Postal Asssitants.
01. Currency counting machine (Bundles) to ATR II
02. Currency counting machine (Loose) to SB Counter No 02
03. Fake detector machine to SB Counter No 01
04. Fake detector machine to ATR II

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Pincode directory is also available at Patiala HO at the cost of Rs 40/- only.


D K TRIPATHI SR. POSTMASTER 0175-2301697 94656-65358
Dy. Postmaster(Counter) 0175-2200661
Dy. Postmaster(Mails & Try) 0175-2207186
APM (Accounts) (SO SB)(SBCO) 0175-2304871
PA Philately IMTS 0175-2301455
Manager Speed Post 0175-2212927


International Money Transfer


Salient features of the International Money Transfer Service:

As a result of the collaboration of the Department of Posts, Government of India with the Western Union Financial Services, USA, a state of the art International Money transfer Service is now available through the post offices in India, which enables instantaneous remittance of money from 185 countries to India. The recipients can in fact collect the money in minutes after the sender has made the remittance.

The service is targeted to particularly fulfill the needs of NRI dependent families in India, visiting International tourists and foreign students studying in India.

The International Money Transfer process is as follows: -

1. To avail of this Service, a remitter goes to any one of the more than 100,000 Western Union Locations in the 185 countries in which the Service operates , fills up a "To send money" form and pays principal amount and charges. The sender gets a Money Transfer Control Number on a receipt after the transaction is sent through the system. Thereafter, the sender calls up his/her payee and gives information on the money sent. The Payee / Receiver goes to the post office , fills up a "To receive money" form shows valid identification and receives money along with the receipt, once the transaction is verified. This entire process is completed within ten minutes.

2. The Payee receives the full amount in Indian Rupees. There is not more than 2500 USD can be sent at a time as per applicable RBI regulations which must however be only for personal use..

3. The Post offices have been directed to treat the payee as "Most Favoured Customers", which ensures courteous and efficient service to them.

4. For the sake of facilitating the transactions, the recipients can use any one of the following documents to establish their identity:

a) Voter Card b) Passport c) Driving License d) Income Tax PAN Card

5. The Post office also provides its own identity card to regular customers so that other proof of identity does not have to be provided by them again.

6. The service is currently available in all the State/Union Territory capitals and other major cities in the country and by the end of March , it is proposed to be expanded to Head Post offices at the district headquarters.

7. This International Money Transfer Service is safe, legal, fast & reliable. Also, it is approved by the Reserve Bank of India and is being provided by a Department of the Government of India i.e. the Department of Post.

9. At present the Post office will only provide its customers with the facility of receiving money and not of sending money from India to other countries, as per applicable RBI instructions.

10. On the request of the NRI community , the department is open to extending the services to any other location (village/town/city) as well, which has the potential clientele.

11. For further information on the service, the International representatives of the Western Union Financial Services International can be contacted in any of the 185 countries from which the service is available.

12. Requests for extension of the service to any part ; town / village / city in India along with any other feedback by Indian missions as well as NRI bodies can be provided directly to Project Manager, International Money Transfer Services , Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg , New Delhi PIN : 110 001, Tel : 91-11-3354842 , Fax: 91-11-3354843.

List of Post Offices covered for the Western Union Money Transfer Scheme

Details about agents at sending points

Please visit

Shri Raj Kumar
Project Manager ( International Money Transfer Services)
Customer Service Center
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Ph. 91-11-23096114
Fax - 91-11-23096108
email -
PHONE NO -0175-230145



What makes Philately a special hobby for me ?
Philately is a delightful hobby that sharpens and satisfies your aesthetic tastes. While expanding your knowledge of and interaction with the world you live in, you get to know interesting details of politics, history , prominent personalities, national and international events, geography, flora and fauna, agriculture, science, monuments, soldiers, warriors, scientists, arms and ammunition, modes of transport etc. This process of learning becomes more delightful through visuals and brief write-ups. In addition, philately cultivates a meticulous and focused attention to detail. It also helps you to make friends across boundaries and age limits.

What can I collect ?

Both mint - stamps (unused stamps) and used stamps can be collected. These can be collected year-wise , nation-wise or theme-wise. To make this easier and more attractive to beginners, philatelists generally advise you to collect stamps according to a selection of your choice called a Thematic Collection. Themes may be flowers, birds, animals, architecture, railways, monuments, Red Cross etc... Definitive stamps and stationery can also be collected as a theme. The bottom line is that the collection unfolds various aspects of a theme like a story .

Types of Stamps

There are commemorative and definitive stamps. Commemorative stamps are issued, as the name suggests, to commemorate important events, prominent personalities in various fields, aspects of nature, beautiful or rare flora and fauna, environmental issues, agricultural activities, national/international issues, games etc. These stamps are only available at Philatelic Bureaux and counters or under the Philatelic Deposit Account Scheme. They are printed in limited quantities.

Definitive stamps on the other hand, are used for day - to - day postal mailing purposes and are available in various ascending denominations from 20 paisa onwards at all postal counters.

How do I collect used stamps ?

Do not throw away letters that you receive. You can collect used up stamps through them. These can be detached delicately from the postal articles. Rinse in a shallow dish of water, using your hands or a soft brush. Carefully dry them in a dark place as the ultra violet rays of sunlight can damage the colours. It is also valuable to retain stamps along with the envelopes on which they are pasted as this authenticates their use.

Where can I get stamps ?

Mint stamps are available at Philatelic Bureaux and Counters in the designated post offices, details of which will be available at your nearest Head Post Office. You may like to get. in touch with local philatelists who can perhaps guide your interest. Make pen - friends both in the country and abroad -you will be surprised at the number of people who share your interest.

How can I get and use albums ?

Albums are available at leading Book and Stationery stores and with philatelists. Pasting stamps ruins them. Use paper hinges or "havids" to place them in a album. Plastic strip albums are now available and are ideal to use for beginners. Handle stamps with pincers to avoid smudging or damaging them in any way with your fingers.

What is the Philatelic material available at Philatelic Bureaux ?

Philatelic material includes -

Mint stamps (unused stamps)

First Day Covers (FDCs, which are issued with every commemorative stamp )

Brochure (Information sheet accompanying each commemorative stamp )

Collectors' Packs, year-wise

Miniature/Souvenir sheets which are sometime issued with

Commemorative stamps.

Catalogue of Postage Stamps of India since 1947

What is a Philatelic Bureau, a Philatelic Counter and an authorised office?

Philatelic Bureaux function in 59 Head Post Offices at Circle Head Offices or in major district towns.

-They carry out sale of philatelic items to individuals, dependent counters and authorised Post offices.

-Philatelic Deposit Accounts can be opened at these Bureaus.

-Philatelic counters supply all philatelic items but are not authorised to issue the Special Cancellation that accompanies each commemorative stamp.

-They provide a standard "First Day of Issue" cancellation on first day cover. Authorised offices only sell commemorative/special stamps, blank first day covers and brochures.

Philatelic News Letters

Please write to

Catalogue of Indian Postage Stamps

Periodically a catalogue of Indian Postage Stamps from 1947 onwards is updated and is made available for sale from the Philatelic Bureaux. If you need it from abroad, please contact the Director, Mumbai GPO, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Contacting Philatelists

Many queries are received from beginners particularly, seeking guidance for starting a collection of postage stamps. You may wish to obtain information or consult the Philatelic Congress of India at .The Department of Posts is not, however, responsible for the information etc. supplied by the Philatelic Congress of India as the Department does not handle the secondary market in Philately.


A philatelic publication, titled "India's Freedom Struggle through India Postage Stamps" brought out by the Department of Posts, India, in Hindi and English is now available for sale at the Philatelic Bureaux for Rs.500/- with 40% discount. However, packing and forwarding charges will be paid in advance with the cost of the Book by the purchaser. Charges payable within India on account of forwarding by registered letters are Rs.220/- and by registered parcels are Rs.60/- .The net amount may be remitted by Money Order or demand draft ( not cheque) after deducting the admissible discount and adding the packing and forwarding charges. For registered letters, therefore, the total amount is Rs.520/- and for registered parcel Rs.360/-.

For over - seas orders, the net amount of Rs.830/- for countries falling in Category-I and Rs.1070/- for countries falling in Category-1I is required to be remitted to Mumbai GPO only, who is authorised to handle such orders.

Conditions for reproduction of Stamp Images

Re- production of stamps is allowed for illustration purposes in Philatelic Publication or in an article relating wholly on postage stamps which may appear in any magazine, newspaper or publication of a general character. Such reproduction should however , be only in black. If stamps are to be produced in colour for publicity purposes, prior permission of the Director General of Posts must be obtained. To avoid similarity with the postage , such reproduction must be distinctively in smaller or larger sizes than the actual stamp and must be without perforation on the edges. Further, across bar will also be placed on one- corner of the stamp, obliterating the denomination. It must be noted that reproduction of the stamp in colour of the actual size of the stamp with perforation of the edges may be deemed to be taken as production of the actual stamp".

From India

Director (Philately)

Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg

New Delhi - 110 001

Ph. 91-11-3710154

Fax. 91-11-3711731

email -

PHONE 0147-2301697

iMO service available in Head Post office

Instant Money Order Service (iMO) - the instant domestic Money transfer Service


India Post presents Instant Money Order (iMO), the instant on-line money transfer service that is instant, convenient,reliable and affordable.
IMO is an instant web based money transfer service through Post Offices (iMO Centre) in India between two resident individuals in Indian territory.
You can transfer money from Rs.1,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- from designated iMO Post Offices.
It is simple to send and receive money.
iMO Booking Procedure

Fill up the “To Remit Payment” (TRP-1) form and submit it with money at iMO Post Office Counter.
iMO Counter clerk after booking the iMO immediately will give a printed receipt with computer generated confidential 16 digit iMO number in a sealed condition. Even the 16 digit iMO number will not be known to booking clerk.
Customer is required to tear off the seal and convey the confidential 16 digit iMO number to the receiver over phone, SMS, e-mail, etc. at his means and risk.

iMO delivery Procedure

Receiver to present the 16 digit iMO number at any designated iMO post office counter and will fill up and submit a “To Make Payment” (TMP-1) form along with a copy of his personal identity proof.

Receiver can receive the payment in cash upto Rs.50,000. He can also receive the payment through his post office savings bank account in the same iMO office.


Remittance Commission

1000-5000 150

5001-10000 170

10001-15000 190

15001-20000 210

20001-25000 230

25001-30000 250

30001-35000 270

35001-40000 290

40001-45000 310

45001-50000 330

Photo Identity

1.Voter’s I-Card

2.PAN Card

3.Ration Card with photo of the receiver

4.Post Office Identity Card

5.Driving License


7.School/college i.d

8.Official i.d

In case the Photo I.-Card has a valid expiry date the same is to be mentioned in ‘To Make Payment’ (TMP-1) Form


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mission of India Post

Our Mission

To provide high quality mail, parcel and related services in India and throughout the world ; to be recognized as an efficient and excellent organisation exceeding the expectations of the customers, employees and the society; to perform the task by:

Total dedication to understanding and fulfilling customer's needs

Total devotion to providing efficient and reliable services, which customers consider to be value for money.

Total commitment to providing challenging and rewarding career for every employee.

Total recognition of the responsibilities as a part of the social, industrial and commercial life of the country

Total enthusiasm to be forward looking and innovative in all areas.


Head Post office , first in the Punjab Postal Circle.This facility is available on all working days from 1000 to 1500 hrs.

Review of core banking

A review meeting in connection with completion of work regarding implementation of core banking was held in the chember of undersigned on 31-10-2009 at 1600 hrs and following were present.
Smt Asha APM SO SB
Shri Satpal APM HO SB
Shri Nand Lal Incharge SBCO
Shri Ramdas PA On deputation
Smt. Kiran Gupta PA
Smt.Premjit Kaur PA
All the following items were discussed and set target date for completion of all pending work as under
S.No Subject Target date
01.Data Entry of all SB scheme including Silent account by10-11-2009
with the following official
02. Signature scanning by 05-11-2009
03. Settlement of SB objection and minus balance by 15-11-2009

APM SO SB informed that all posting of all scheme upto date except 01 yr TD and it will be completed within 01 month.

APM HO SB was directed to settle 04 minus balances of HO within 05 days .

Shri Ram das was attached with SO SB and SBCO for settlement of all SB Objections ans minus balances.

Project office Pataila

Patiala Head Post office is working as project office in Punjab circle since 10-09-2009.