Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meeting with SPMs for SB work on 22-11-2009

The list of general irregularities committed by the Sub Post office in respect of saving bank account
S.No Subject Action to be taken
01 Mentioning of DLT and Bal on vouchers While doing any transaction of SB
DLT and BAT should be mentioned on SB-7 and SB-103.
The balance after transaction of account could not be checked at HO level due to none mentioning of DLT and BAT at the time of posting.
02 Mode of payment of above Rs 20000/- Withdrawal above Rs20000/- cheque number /re- invest/deposit in SB account number should be written on SB-7 in each category
03 Authentication of vouchers by SPM/PA Withdrawal vouchers of SB scheme should be signed by SPM and PA

04 Mentioning of amount of Principal and Interest in -respect of closed MIS and TD Principal and interest of closed account of MIS and TD should be mentioned separately in LOT and in daily account.
Principal amount means the amount for which the account opened
05 MIS deduction MIS deduction should be written separately in LOT and daily account

06 RD deposit and default RD deposit and default /penalty should be written separately in LOT and daily account

07 Repayment of half withdrawal loan of If there is repayment of half withdrawal in RD account then loan amount should be taken in deposit and interest should be taken in penalty.
08 In case of non attachment of original passbook on closing of RD account by Post office except single handed While closing the RD account in which half withdrawal is taken and the Date of opening of account, Deno. Date of half withdrawal should be written on SB -07 for those offices do not attach the Passbook with voucher.

09 Transaction of all category of TD account All category of TD( 1,02,03 &5years) should be taken in proper head in daily account

10 Closing of I Yr. TD account Date of opening of account should be mentioned on SB-07

11 Affixing of date stamp on voucher Date stamp on all vouchers is usually omitted by many SOs; it should be impressed on each voucher.

12 Use of SB cover Passbook for interest or sanction of withdrawal of all categories should be sent through SB cover not by hand.


  1. Signature scanning of sb\td\rd\kvp and all savings scheme by webcam.
    *what is the quqlity about webcam signature???
    *Signature of account is most important subject for banking.
    *State bank of india/Central bank of india/P N B and all other banking use scanner for signature scanning.

  2. sorry, in above say
    *What is the quality of webcam signature ???? for payment/banking
    *No any banking industry use this process
