Thursday, November 19, 2009

Meeting held for proper accounting of Accounts heads on22-11-09

A Meeting was held at 1100 hrs on 22-11-09. The following APMs/PAs were attended .
01. APM Accounts and Tresury
02. Accountant
03. Sub Account Assistants
The matter was discussed in details and following action should be taken for booking of transactions in correct account head.
01.Once a account head created in the system it could not be delected at HO level.
02.Any New account head should be created by System Assistant only on approval of Sr.Postmaster.
03.The headwise figures shown in SO and BO summary are not being tallied by the concerned PA . utimately summaries or accounts shown incorrect figures.Concerned PA should tally the figures taken into account and shown in the respectively summary on daily basis and put his/her intials to having abeen checked during 1600 Hrs to 1630 Hrs with Sub Account Assistants.
04.In case of more account head in particular subject Only one identified head should be used by Sub Account, HO account and cash book .

These instructions will bring into the notice of all PAs by the concerned APMs. APMs also ensured that the instructions are being followed in true sprit.

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