Thursday, March 18, 2010


In view of such circumstances, if this selection is restricted for the vacancy for the year 2003, no harm would be caused to any of the eligible candidates who faced the examination and thus selection for the year 2003 is held valid and the selection for the vacancies for 2004,2005 and,2006 are held to be defective, arbitrary irrational and discriminatory. Thus the claim of the applicants is allowed partly, directing the respondent to declare year wise vacancies for the years 2004,2005,2006 i9n respect of promotion to the cadre of P.S.S. Group B by preparing year wise list of eligible candidates and also vacancies and thereafter hold fresh Limited Departmental Competitive Examination9(LDCE) restricting the present selection only for the vacancies for the year 2003.

In result, the OA is partly allowed as above, with no order as to costs.
Updated by GS, IRM / ASRM Association at 12:35 AM

Dear friends
We are ,PS Officers of batch 2003-+06 , are likely to be effected . We have to unite and join hands for struggle . Association alway with inefficent members, we are got the status by hard working and on merit examination and there is no hope from the association side either IP/ASP or PS officers association.
02. Please convey the message amongst the batchmet 2003-06.
03. Move an application under RTI by all batchmets and get certified copy from CAT Chennai.
04. Make effects to obtain copy of judgement from the counterparts of chennai.
05.Study the judgement and consult with learned advocate at CAT Hq.
06. File an appeal in High Court ( atleast in 02 Delhi/ other ) against the order of CAT within a month.
07. All members are requested to donate atleast RsFive Thousand) to the member who filed appeal in the High Court. Member is requested to intimate his Bank account number so that amount can be deposited in account directly.
08 I am going on leave for one month and stay at Ajmer .
09. Keep liasion with all batchmet and make personal talk with each other and take concrete decision without wasting time.
10 Offer your views on this blog so that every memeber can read and study on views.

Join hands for struggle


D K Tripathi
Sr. Postmaster
Mob. 9465658358 (Pataila) 9414007995 (Ajmer)

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